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The Library Association of Warehouse Point
107 Main St., East Windsor, CT 06088
"a place for first discoveries"
Monday - Wednesday 10 am - 8 pm
Thursday - Friday 10 am - 5 pm
Saturday 10 am - 3 pm
Anchisaurus References
“Anchisaurus.” (2021, Febrary 13). Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation.
Black, Riley. (2011, January 13). "The Tangled History of Connecticut's Anchisaurus". Smithsonian Magazine.
Hanrahan, Brendan. (2007, October 2). "Connecticut Windows On The Natural World".
Strauss, Bob. (2017) “Anchisaurus Facts.” ThoughtCo.
​​Andrews, Roy Chapman. Illustrated by Voter, Thomas W. (1953). "All About Dinosaurs". Random House.
Bakker, Robert T. (1986). "The Dinosaur Heresies". William Morrow and Company. pages 454-457.
Dixon, Dougal, & Cox, Barry. (1988). "Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals". Macmillan. Pages 122-124.
Donahue, Ceil, & Bottomley, Jessica. (2017). "East Windsor". Arcadia Publishing. Page 51.
Lambert, David. (1993). "The Ultimate Dinosaur Book". DK Publishing, Inc. pages 84-85.
MacDonald, Nicholas G. (2010). "Window Into the Jurassic World". Friends of Dinosaur Park and Arboretum, Inc. Page 44.
Russell, Dale A. (1989). "The Dinosaurs of North America". North Wood Press. Pages 46-47.
Hirsh, Linda. (1988, September 15). "Prehistoric Link Swells East WIndsor's Pride". Hartford Courant. pages E15 and E18.
Loucks, Kory. (2006, October 9). "East Windsor School to Move Dinosaur Tracks" Journal Inquirer.
Smith, N. (1820). "Fossil Bones Found in Red Stone". American Journal of Science 2, pages 146-147.
Tweet, Justin & Santucci, Vincent L. (2011). "Anchisaurus from Springfield Armory". Brigham Young University Geology Studies. Volume 49(A), pages 75-82.
Ungar, Laura. (1993, June 25). "Jurassic Park, East Windsor Style". Hartford Courant.
New England Dinosaur References
Fraser, Nicholas. Illustrated by Henderson, Douglas. (2006). "Dawn of the Dinosaurs: Life in the Triassic". Indiana University Press.
Gallagher, William B. (1997). "When Dinosaurs Roamed New Jersey". Rutgers University Press.
Hanrahan, Brendan. (2004). "Great Day Trips in the Connecticut Valley of the Dinosaurs". Perry Heights Press
Hitchcock, Edward. (1858). Ichnology of New England: A Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, Especially Its Fossil Footmarks". Applewood Books (reprinted).
​McHone, Greg. (2004). "Great Day Trips to Discover the Geology of Connecticut". Perry Heights Press.
Martin, Anthony J. (2014). "Dinosaurs Without Bones: Dinosaur Lives Revealed By Their Trace Fossils". Pegasus Books, LLC.
Pick, Nancy. Photographs by Ward, Frank. (2006). "Curious Footprints: Professor Hitchcock's Dinosaur Tracks & Other Natural History Treasures at Amherst College". Amherst College Press.
Weishampel, David B., & Young, Luther. (1996). "Dinosaurs of the East Coast". The Johns Hopkins University Press.
The Beneski Museum of Natural History.
Dinosaur State Park.
Dinosaur footprint grave of Dr. Joseph Barratt.
Black, Riley. (2011, December 19). "Hitchcock's Primeval Birds". Smithsonian Magazine
Impressions From A Lost World.
The Joe Webb Peoples Museum.
Meszaros, John. (2020, July 2). "An Eccentric Middletown Polymath and Fossil Collector: Dr. Joseph Barratt".
The Triassic-Jurassic Footprint Project.
Yale Peabody Museum.
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